PROJECTS COMPLETED STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 's services are tailored to meet the specific project requirements of our clients. Our engineering and program management capabilities are highlighted below. BROWNFIELDS –VOLUNTARY CLEAN-UP & LAND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT is well qualified to support Brownfields projects and voluntary corrective actions from concept through completion. The following projects were completed for the Cyprus Amax Minerals ComsTRApany, the Phelps Dodge Corporation and BP Amoco: NATIONAL ZINK SITE, BARTLESVILLE, OKLAHOMA After conducting the remedial design and overseeing the remedial action at the site, 2-acres of metal-impacted soils remained on private property. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT was responsible for developing a cleanup plan that not only protected human health and the environment, but also allowed for the redevelopment of the site into a soccer field for the Boys & Girls Club of the City of Bartlesville. The design of the protective cap addressed the future reuse of the property by including routing for future electric lighting, landscaping, parking lot and plans for future institutional controls. The winning partnership between the State, the City of Bartlesville, the Bartlesville Coalition, the PRP, and the private landowner was the key ingredient to the successful redevelopment of the site. CANNELTON INDUSTRIES - FORMER TANNERY STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT convinced USEPA and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality through the use of bioaccumulation studies and biological monitoring to change their published $20 million Record of Decision remedy to a $5 million remedial alternative. The site was remediated by installing a 2-mile protective rock wall along the St. Marys River and removing 35,000 cubic yards of tannery wastes. Subsequent negotiations with the Planning Department of the City of Sault Ste. Marie and the Eastern Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Commission set the stage for a mixed-use redevelopment opportunity. CYPRUS FOOTE MINERAL - FORMER MINERAL PROCESSING STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT successfully negotiated and sold a CERCLA Superfund site to a joint venture land development company in Pennsylvania, thereby removing a $17 million liability from the client's balance sheet. The agreement included negotiations for an environmental insurance policy that provided two components: cleanup guarantee insurance and remediation warranty insurance. The first covered the developer if cleanup costs exceed initial calculations and the second provided up to 10 years of excess cost protection if further cleanup is required. Both components also provided protection to the seller in the event that a bankruptcy would return the liability to them. The USEPA National Brownfields Coordinator and the Region III Remedial Project Manager supported the redevelopment of this site. Project approach involved the demolition and hot spot removal combined with a groundwater pump and treat with long-term monitoring. The site is to be developed into an office park. BLACKWELL ZINK SITE - FORMER ZINK SMELTER The City of Blackwell wanted a land-use plan developed for the 188-acre former zinc smelter property that would be compatible with remediation and reuse of the contaminated sites in the existing Blackwell Industrial Park. The Park is part of the Blackwell Pilot Deferral Project, a site managed by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT performed final design and construction management for the remediation of the property that ensured that the remedy would remain protected during and after redevelopment. TOWN OF RICO, COLORADO - FORMER MINING COMMUNITY STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT assisted the landowners, community and the PRP to solve water quality and related soil contamination issues. By working with the regulatory and community stakeholders to develop a Brownfields-type remedial program that would best serve all stakeholders high legal transaction costs and detailed investigations that are typical of CERCLA type actions will be avoided. The plan will also be supplemented by applying to all applicable state and federal grant and incentive programs. PHASE I PREPARATION STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT has completed the following Phase I documents: Client : St. Charles Town Company, Denver Colorado 1. Benjamin Moore Paint Plant, 2500 Walnut Street Client: Colliers Bennett & Kahnweiler, Denver, Colorado
13. 5195 East 39th Avenue Client: Sterling Road Development, Greenwood Village, Colorado 20. 1430 South Cherokee Street Client: Amako Resort Construction (U.S.), Inc., Lakewood, Colorado 22. 10030 West 27th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado Client: Allen & Company, New York City 23. 91 Washington Street, Foxboro, Massachusetts Client: Anderson & Jayde PC, Littleton, Colorado 25. 2100 Littleton Boulevard, Littleton, Colorado Client: Montessori School of Denver, Colorado 26. 1460 Holly Street, Denver, Colorado Client: Colfax Development Partners, Lakewood, Colorado 27. 5505 West Colfax Avenue Client: Stellor Development, LLC, Littleton, Colorado 28. 7150 Pecos Street PHASE II PROJECTS STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT has completed the following Phase II projects: Client : St. Charles Town Company, Denver, Colorado 1. Lowry Redevelopment – installation and testing of groundwater monitoring well. Client: Environmental Development LLC, Greenwood Village, Colorado 7. 1400 Yosemite Street, Aurora, Colorado – asbestos survey and air survey and the development of a cost estimate for remediation. Client: Allen & Company, New York City, New York 8. White Settlement Road – subsurface geotechnical survey and remediation cost estimate preparation. Client: Dependable Cleaners, Denver, Colorado 9. 1701 South Broadway, Denver, Colorado – asbestos survey and remediation. Client: Colfax Development Partners, Lakewood, Colorado 10. 5505 West Colfax Avenue – asbestos survey and cost estimate for remediation. Client: Colliers, Bennett & Kahnweiler, Commerce City, Colorado 11. 7200 Dahlia Avenue – underground petroleum tank removal and site closure.
Client: Antonoff & CO, Denver, Colorado 13. 7150 Pecos Street – asbestos survey and cost estimate. |